Monday, January 21, 2008

Brig Trail Race 01.20.08

It was cold, damn cold... but we had a lot of fun.... Even though the wind chill never rose beyond 30, Tommy, Whitney, T.J. and myself headed out to the Brig Trail Race..

(Tommy getting the bikes down, for what will be one cold ass ride)
(Whitney being a good sport, in spite of it being cold as hell)

(another great turn out)
(T.J. coming off the starting line)
(T.J. with his very first podium in mountain biking... 3rd in his class, Way to go!!!)

It was a great day hanging out with my son and some great friends. It was especially great seeing my son make his first podium in mountain biking, really makes you proud. I have more pictures, but will have to post a follow up post with them due to having to head off to work soon... have a great day and if you get a chance.... GET OUT and RIDE!!!!

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