Friday, September 5, 2008

TS Hanna

I actually managed to get away from work before 7pm, which has seemed an impossibility this past week. I headed home, stopping off to get gas for the generator and chainsaw in case the storm causes us to loose power and/or knocks down some trees.

Once I finally got home, JJ helped me make room to get both vehicles, the lawn mower and all of the bikes in the garage; talking about packing 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag. We're all hunkered in, just waiting to see what Hanna has in store for us. I'll post pictures tomorrow, if I can get online.

Stay safe and I'll see you in the trails....

1 comment:

Ben R said...

The beach TODAY was intense, can't imagine tonight or tommorow.

Here are my pics from today

The number of news trucks at the Holliday Inn was wild, it was like this was a hurricane or something.